With the new update of WhatsApp messenger new problems started to occur on the application. After the recent update of the app, WhatsApp doesn’t snap photos at some Android devices at the moment.
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You will find questions and answers on communication applications of Android phones and tablets on this page. You can ask questions and answer them freely without registration on here.
Together with the developing technology, we quickly step in the Communication age. The distances between us are no longer important to communicate with our friends and loved ones. In order to ensure this Communication, smartphones that are always with us have gained more importance. With the development of the phones, we have begun to use not only voice calls but also video calls.
Using applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Viber installing from Google Play Store on our phones give us a chance to constant Communication with all our loved ones.
You can use Communication on Social media not only for your friends and loved ones but also for your business with apps like WhatsApp Business. You can also sell your products by finding customers via twitter account.
We are part of a large family as all Social media users. Appiel.com is becoming a big family on the way to becoming a huge Social family.
You can ask questions about all the Social applications you use, on both ways to create a membership or not. You can learn the ways to use the applications more effectively by reading the questions that have been asked before. Don’t hesitate to ask or answer questions.
Appiel Latest Questions
WhatsApp status is quite fun. However after the recent update I can’t use this feature because of a bug. Any fix?