My current phone number is French at the moment. WeChat is asking me to find someone to activate my account. He/she should be from France or China Mainland.
WeChat Verification
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My WeChat account blocked because of suspicious behaviour. However I haven’t done anything suspicious though. Anyone knows the reason of this? How can I remove the block?
I need to help a friend for verification. There are Help Friend Log In steps on the application. How can I do that?
I think this problem common. I gave up to fix it at all because it can’t be resolved at all. I just want to know that why Wechat asked me for verification with a friend after just registration.
Where can I find WeChat friends to activate my account? Are there any communities or websites for this? Please help me to resolve the problem.
I am seeking for someone who can activate WeChat account in Canada or China. Please help me for WeChat verify. Need a friend verification. Chinese accounts should have WeChat Pay feature.
I don’t have any friends on Wechat but it asks me to complete friend verification step. How can I do that without any friends? I would like to use the application but I faced with this problem after just install ...
My wechat account is blocked and it is asking for verification now. How can I resolve this problem? How to unblock a Wechat account?