Would anybody help me to get unblocked on Wechat? Need someone who’s account is 6 months old.
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Is there someone that would enter my pin or scan my code that I can use WeChat? Hope there is someone who can help me! Thank you 🙂
I need help from wechat users who can help me in the security verification. Wechat requires a security verification in order for one to sign up. It requires verufication from orher wechat users. I need help.
Good day to whoever is reading this.I signed up on wechat a few weeks ago (after signing up I didn’t do anything) and when I came back a few weeks later my account was blocked for “suspicious activity”. Can someone ...
Hi friends, Anyone can help me for WeChat verification USA? My WeChat account got blocked a few days after I made it. Let me know if you’re willing to send me your phone number so I can verify my account! Thanks!
Hello, I just recently downloaded and made an account on WeChat. I started playing Pokemon Go and I was installing WeChat should that I could join a Raid Chat in order to coordinate with others in the game. However, I’ve been ...
Can someone help with wechat friend verification? (6 month) i just downloaded the app, i want to play raziel with a friend, which need a wechat account, his account is not 6 months. Thanks!
Can someone help me verify wechat? I’m in Australia. I’m using IPhone X.
I got a new phone several months ago and waited too long to sign into my WeChat account and now it is asking me to verify it. I don’t know anyone personally who uses it and I don’t remember any ...
Hi, I am quite curious to know what are the reasons wechat will blocked an account. I personally encounter an issue. Would wechat blocked or de-activate an account when the person mass add all his friends contact to his own wechat ...