I have a channel in Telegram but I can’t manage it. When I try to enter the channel, it is asking me to enter my phone number. However it seems I am not the owner of the channel at the moment. It was a channel that I created in the past in Telegram. How can I reown it?
I had a similar problem with Telegram messenger recently. I have lost a channel that I created in the past. However I couldn’t get any response for my support requests. Telegram is not very support friendly application. There is not any reverse if you ever do a mistake on the application. It seems the channel is already gone. As same as many other suggestions on here, you will need to create a new and similar channel.
It is not possible to take your Telegram channel back in this situation. So you will need to create another similar channel, if there is not any admin on that channel which you created in the past.
It seems the channel still exists on Telegram. If there are any other of the channel you will need to contact them and ask them to make owner of the channel again. Other than this, Telegram support will not be very helpful for this issue. If there is not anyone on the channel and you can’t be the owner of it, you will need to forget about it and make a new start. That will be the best option for you. However if you think that Telegram is going to be responsive for this issue, the best thing you will do is going to contact them. I hope you manage to get your channel back.